On the farm there are many animals - here you can find sheep of different breeds, dairy cows, nursing cows, calves, hens, ducks, peacocks, quails and the important farm dogs! All animals have their duties on the farm, and are equally important. The animals graze and take care of the cultural landscape both in the near by and outlying areas - while at the same time providing us with meat, milk, skins and other products. On this page we would like to tell you a little about the animals and their purpose!


There are many breeds of sheep, and with us you will find the traditional Old norwegian spæl, the famous Norwegian White Sheep (NKS) and the exciting Norwegian Pelssau!

Norwegian Pelssau

Norwegian Pelssau was approved as a breed in 1968. It was formed by the crossing of the Swedish gotlandssauen and blue-grey Norwegian spælsau. The breeding of the Norwegian fur sheep started in the 1960s. The goal for the Norwegian fur sheep was to combine the spælsauen's good shine with gotlandsauen's ability to form a lid and then get skins that could be used for furs. The wool of the fur sheep is called fur wool, and has a different texture than wool from Norwegian white sheep.

At the farm you'll find ca.130 winter-fed pelssau. From Pelssau we produce yarn, skins and meat. 

Old norwegian spæl

The Old Norwegian spælsauen tribe from the Old Norwegian sheep, and was first approved as a separate breed in 2002. Supporters of this breed have since the 1950s aimed to preserve the characteristics of the old spælsautype, without further involvement of Old Norwegian sheep or the development of the modern white spælsauen.

Here on the farm you will find approx. 40 winter-fed Gammelnorsk spæl. From these we produce meat, but they are best suited as a good pasture that takes good care of the cultural landscape. 

Norwegian White Sheep (NKS)

Norwegian White Sheep is by a good margin the most common sheep breed in Norway. Usually it is white in wool, with a long tail and is probably the breed most people associate with the "Norwegian sheep". NKS is the heaviest sheep breed we have in Norway. It is a cross between the Norwegian breeds with a British background (dalasau, rygjasau, sheviot and steigar).

Here at the farm you will find approx. 30 winter-fed NKS. From NKS we produce meat and clipping wool that is sold for resale


Dairy Cows

At the farm there are about 10 dairy cows of the breed Norwegian Red Cattle (NRF). These cows produce the milk on the farm that gets picked up by the milk truck and brought to production. These also get calves on a regular basis, which in turn is used as dairy cows and for meat production.

NRF has been the dominant cattle breed in Norway since the 1960s and accounts for most of the dairy and meat production in the country. The breed was established in 1935. 

In this picture you se our first calf who we named "Per"
In this picture you se our first calf who we named "Per"

Nursing cows

Nursing cows are cows that have calved and started milk production. They are then allowed to walk with the calves for a period of time before they are separated. Nursing cows are most commonly used among meat cattle.

On the farm there are p.t.d. 2 nursing cows. This is the farm's first nursing cows, and they are of the breed Limousin. The breed has its origin in France, and the first animals came to Norway in the 1980s. The breed is typical as a nursing cow breed. This kind of meatproduction was new to the farm i 2021, and we look forward to the continuation of this exciting chapter!


On the farm we also have quails, hens, ducks and peacocks. From the quails and the hens we get eggs that we use ourselves. The hens are of the breed Dwarf Kochin and New Hampshire. What was really exciting was when Dwarf Kochin the chicken went to bed last summer and brought out 13 healthy chicks! We've also got peacocks and ducks. In the spring, new enclosures will be built for everyone and it will be exciting to see how this develops. Here are more pictures.

The dogs

In sheep farming, dogs are used for herding. There are three dogs on the farm, they are all Border Collies. We got Honnie and her two offsprings  Tipsy and King.  They are an important part of the farm, and a good tool when working with the relocation and collection of sheep.

Kilde til info om sauerasene: En sau er ikke bare en sau - Nibio 

Kilde kuraser: ww.tyr.no/limousin/om-limousin / www.snl.no/norsk_rødt_fe